Hello everyone-
I went to my 2nd cousins' birthday party last night. Ally is 8 and Maya is 6, they are the cutest kids and I am so blessed to have been invited to their home.
Maya loves pink, Tinkerbell and hello kitty- I made her a composition book, box filled w/ Tinkerbell stickers and a card. I didn't have time to glitter up the fairy card but I think it was still nice (IMO lol)
Ally loves the color blue and she likes to draw. I also made her a composition book, and a box that I filled w/ watercolor pencils and paintbrushes. I also bought her a watercolor sketch pad and decorated it.
I also gave the both of them an easy bake oven decorating pen (so they can decorate cookies, cupcakes, etc).
I wasn't sure if they'd like the gifts (they got a lot of clothes), but I was so excited and happy when Ally opened her gift and said "Yeah, something other than clothes!" and then when she opened the box she said "look mommy, Aunty gave me drawing stuff". She was very impressed that I made the card too.
Maya, wasn't that impressed, but that's okay. I'm sure she'll use her stuff.
Thanks for looking and I hope you are all doing well. I'm down w/ another cold- it's par for the course, every child I saw this week was sick and no matter how much I hand sanitize, the little germys got to me...boo! Anyway, take care of yourselves and get your flu shots!
God Bless and hopefully I'll be able to post again soon. I'm STILL in the process of cleaning up and organizing- I have way too much stuff (what crafter doesn't? lol)
Wonderful creations! Love all the images!