I saw this award on Jenny's site and I wanted to give this award to 7 bloggers who I think are awesome crafters. They inspire me everyday when I look at their blogs. Okay, I bent the rules a little b/c I nominated 8 people, oh well, they deserve it :)
The rules for this award are:
1. Thank the person that nominated you for this award.
2. Copy logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link the person's blog that nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post a link to the 7 you nominated.
7.Leave a comment on each blog to let them know they are nominated.
1. Teri big ideas from a little girl
2. Jen Pieces of me
3. Jenny crazy for paper
4. Janis Creative expressions
5. Kyoko cards and tags mania
6. Elena bearasaurus
7. Brenda sweet as a gumdrop
8. Cheryl life is sweet
7 things about myself
1. I love to cook and bake, but I don't do it very often b/c I live by myself and I don't like to eat the same food for weeks.
2. I like the Twilight series too
3. My favorite movie theater snack is popcorn and mochi crunch- but I refuse to pay $2 for a small bag of mochi crunch so when I can, I go to price busters first and then buy a big bag and a bottled water and sneak it into the theater. Shh! don't out me ;)
4. I can work in small crowded, cluttered spaces as long as I can find a clean surface
5. I have numerous relatives on my dad's side (there are about 150+ relatives)
6. I am making my cousin's guest book for his wedding coming up in August- but I'm putting it off until the last minute b/c I'm running out of ideas
7. This is too hard to think of 7 things about myself. ;P