2 posts in a week- AMAZING! Anyway, as I mentioned previously, I finally finished my OCS card for Evie on Saturday. I decided to make a tent card and used a Easter bunny image I got from a set at cute stuff. I really liked how this turned out.
I used some paper flowers to make the brads and then I combined some other stickers and paper flowers that I had to decorate the border of the oval. I thought about adding a sentiment but couldn't figure out where (I didn't want to crowd the inside of the image w/ the bunny) and the DP was too busy so I just finished it up w/ dew drops.
I hope that she likes the card!
Anyway, I hope that you had a great Tuesday- only 2 more days of work for me this week.
We have Good Friday off and I will be going to church at 3pm like I do every year. In any case, let's acknowledge that Christ sacrificed his life for us and rejoice that he will rise again on Sunday. Even if you're not Christian, we can always celebrate Easter for the blessings and promises of spring that it brings. Oh and we can't forget the chocolate and sugary goodness.
Every year for Lent I give up dessert (it's usually something that is a self sacrifice or something difficult for you to give up or do). Well, I will be REJOICING on Sunday because I can finally eat dessert and of course celebrating Jesus' resurrection. I've been giving up the same thing for at least 10 years now and usually I'm okay w/ it, but this year- I don't know why but it was really difficult. My friends always tell me to give up something else since I always miss out on my Mom's, stepdad's, stepmom's and several friends' birthday cakes, so maybe next year I'll give up something else. My aunt told me to give up swearing- but that's way too difficult. For example, I went to church on Ash Wednesday and when I came out of church I got a parking ticket, of course I started swearing (2 minutes after I got out of church)- so I think that would be a difficult thing for me to give up. Of course, I should really try!
Anyway, take care everyone and I hope to post something before Easter but if not, have a blessed day with your family and friends.
Hugs to you all,